Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Everything you need to know!

What EXACTLY is this?

simply put... It's a FREE DISCOUNT CARD!
...solely for RP students & staff
  • Welfare intiative by the EXCO
  • Allow RP students/staff to enjoy great discounts when shopping, dining etc
You simply flash the cards to enjoy the discounts.

So what are you waiting FOR???
Have you gotten yours today? ...i mean NOW!

Follow the below instruction to sign up.


How do you SIGN UP?
  1. Proceed to http://www.passioncard.com.sg/rp

  2. Key in you NRIC number(case-sensitive), as you User Id. (i.e. SXXXXXXXF)

  3. Click the Submit button. (Do not press “Enter”)

  4. Complete the Registration Form.

  5. Click on the button.
  6. After which, you’ll see the confirmation page.

  7. Congratulations, you have completed the signing up process.


1. I can’t seem to login even when I key in my NRIC number correctly. I get the following error message.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ans: The reason you encountered the above error is due to the fact that your details might not be updated into the database. Proceed HERE!

2. I can’t seem to select the correct year-of-birth.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ans: Click and hold onto the red box as above. After which, a list of years should appear. If your year-of-birth is not in the choices after the red box is clicked, choose the closest year, and then click the yellow boxes to browse to your desired year.

3. Is it true that I can only collect my card on the Official Launch at the Youth Park(28th October 2007)?

Ans: No. There will be another collection date tentative set in November.

Brochure Layout

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

You can get the Brochures outside W1 level 1, Student Council Room!